How to wash your face: 7 common face-washing mistakes

Skin upgrade: Perfecting face-washing tricks!

Your daily face-washing routine might seem straightforward, but did you know that simple mistakes could be impacting your skin’s health? Beyond the products you choose, the way you wash your face matters immensely. Join us as we delve into 7 common mistakes many make while cleansing their faces. Understanding these mistakes can significantly enhance your skin’s clarity and health. Let’s take a closer look at these missteps and learn the right techniques for a more effective and gentle face-cleansing experience.

  1. Wash face with hot water

Don’t use the water temperature which is too hot and exceeds the normal body temperature of the human body. If the water temperature is too high, the pores will become enlarged while removing the sebum film, which in turn will cause the skin to become dry and rough, wrinkles and even sensitive. The water temperature for washing the face should be controlled at about 30°C.

2. Use a cleanser without lather up

After the cleanser has lather into a foam, it will stimulate the activity of the surface activation, increase the cleansing ability and greatly reduce the irritation of the cleanser. Therefore, in order to protect the barrier of our skin, it is best to rub out a rich bubble before washing your face.

3. Remove makeup for more than 1 minute

Makeup removers are used to remove oil from makeup products. If you leave it on your face for too long, it will take away the sebum and interstitial. Over time, the skin will become thinner, and the ability to protect the barrier will decrease, which can easily cause skin sensitivity.

4. Use sunscreen without remove it by using makeup remover

The ingredients of sunscreen are mostly a combination of physical and chemical sunscreen. If you don’t remove it, it can get deep into your skin and cause sensitive. None of these ingredients can be easily washed off by ordinary facial cleansers, so no matter what kind of sunscreen you usually use, you need to remove makeup and sunscreen to avoid burdening the skin and causing damage.

5. No cleanser in the morning

After the skin is metabolized overnight, it secretes a lot of metabolites such as oil. If it is not washed off in time, it will clog the pores of the skin, and over time, the pores will tend to enlarge, and the skin will appear dull, blackheads and acne. Therefore, the correct thing to do is to wash your face with facial cleanser in the morning because the oil from the skin cannot be removed by simply rinsed with water.

6. Makeup is not clean thoroughly

For people who wear makeup and use sunscreen products regularly, removing makeup is an important step for them. If the makeup is not removed thoroughly, the pores will be blocked, which in turn will cause a series of enlarged pores, blackheads, acne, white heads and even spots.

7. Wipe face with a towel

Towels are not disposable. Therefore, regular use of towels that are easy for bacteria dan microorganisms’ growth will aggravate acne. In addition, the fabric of towels is rough. When the face is often rubbed with towels, it can easily cause the skin to be keratinized, thinned, saggy, and wrinkles.

Taking care of your skin starts with mindful face-washing habits. By avoiding these 7 common mistakes, you’re giving your skin the care it deserves. Remember, be gentle, use the right techniques, and tailor your routine to your skin’s needs. Small changes today can lead to healthier, happier skin tomorrow. Keep going and watch your skin glow with gratitude!


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