How to make a video to entertain yourself?

A fun video: Your boredom buster!

Learn how to make a fun video with friends to beat boredom! This simple guide takes you through the steps not only from idea but also editing skills. Share your creations on social media and enjoy the process of creating entertaining content. So, let’s turn boredom into fun together!

A guide for fun seekers

  1. If you know a friend is available, call or text him or her to make a video with him/her

This person can be a friend you hang out with a lot or a friend you rarely communicate with.

2. When they come, tell them what you think

Then, try making a hands-on “how to pass the time of boredom” video.

3. Make a list of 10 to 50 things you can do when you’re bored

Write a few when you think of them.

3. Get the camera ready

Tablets, mobile phones, or cameras with video recording capabilities can use to create videos. In addition to your photography equipment, you’ll also need software that can edit and stitch your videos. Many of these apps can be found in the app store.

5. Shoot a video

The best solution is to shoot two videos. For example, one person explains, and the other person interprets the content of the commentary.

6. Use the software you downloaded from the app store to put the two videos together

There are many of them, so if you don’t like a certain one or find that it doesn’t work as expected, just delete it and download a new one.

7. Watch your work

Moreover, if you’re not satisfied with the video, you can re-record the parts you don’t like, or simply start all over again. If you like this work, you can post it on social platforms such as Weibo or Moments to show your talents to your friends.

8. Come back to this video later when you’re bored

You’ll remember that there are so many more interesting things to do.


Creating videos with friends is a fantastic way to banish boredom and unleash your creativity. From brainstorming ideas to shooting and editing, this simple guide makes the process easy and enjoyable. Share your videos on social media, and you’ll not only entertain yourself but also inspire others to beat boredom in a fun way. Get ready to turn mundane moments into exciting adventures!


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