4 habits that make your pores bigger

Taking charge of your pores

Are you frustrated by those seemingly enlarging pores? It might be due to habits you’re unaware of. In this post, we’ll unveil 4 common behaviors that could quietly affect your skin’s health as well as making your pores larger. So, understanding these factors to empower you to take better care of your skin.

4 habits that enlarge your pores

  1. Incomplete makeup removal

Be sure to remove makeup promptly and thoroughly after applying makeup. If the makeup is not cleaned for a long time, these makeup residues will clog the pores. In addition, this residue penetration causes gradual pore enlargement. Hence, no matter how tired you are, never sleep with makeup on.

2. Inadequate sun protection

UV rays damage the skin DNA and impede the skin’s repair process. Prolonged exposure to UV rays can cause the collagen in the skin to breakdown, and pores can become enlarged if they lack support. Sun protection is important. So, you need to wear sunscreen year-round and apply it in sufficient amounts.

3. Neglecting hydration

Skin dehydration disrupts facial keratin metabolism, causing excessive accumulation in hair follicles and sebaceous gland orifices. This leads to rough skin and pore blockage. Follow the correct daily skincare routine: hydrate the skin first (toner), then timely moisturization (serum, lotion, cream).

4. Using extreme water temperature

Washing your face with too cold or too hot water will affect the opening and contraction of pores. Hot water can over-expand pores and destroy the skin’s own protective layer. In contrast, supercooled water is not good for cleaning pores. Indeed, the water temperature of about 35-37 ℃ is the most suitable for washing your face.


Understanding the habits that significantly contribute to enlarged pores is the first step towards healthier skin. By addressing incomplete makeup removal, inadequate sun protection, neglecting hydration, and using extreme water temperatures, you can take control of your skincare routine. So, stay tuned for more insights on maintaining clear and radiant skin!


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