6 common skincare mistakes you make: How to avoid?

The hidden harm: 6 bad skincare habits you need to break

Taking care of our skin is important, but what if some of our habits are doing more harm than good? Sometimes, the things we do in our skincare routines might not help as much as we think. In this post, let’s talk about 6 common skincare mistakes you might not know you’re making. Knowing these could help make your skincare routine better for your skin.

Are you making these 6 common mistakes in your skincare?

  1. Pouring toner over your hands

During the patting process, one-third of the toner will be lost, which is not only wasteful but also does not have a cleaning effect. Instead, you should pour an appropriate amount of toner onto a cotton pad and gently apply it to your face for optimal efficiency during skincare.

2. Morning face cleansing with water

You think that your skin has been thoroughly cleansed the night before. However, morning cleansing with just water isn’t sufficient due to overnight metabolic processes. Therefore, it is necessary to use a cleanser for skincare to thoroughly cleanse and soothe your skin.

3. Replace makeup removers with cleansers

Makeup removers and cleansers actually serve different purposes. However, if the cleaning is not in place, no matter how expensive the cosmetics are, they are wasted. Even if it’s just sunscreen or toning cream, always use a makeup remover before cleansing for effective skincare, as cleansers alone might not remove makeup completely.

Reveal your best skin

4. Leaving masks on for a prolonged period

In contrast to the belief that longer mask application equals better results, it’s best not to exceed 20 minutes. After a certain point, the skin’s ability to absorb moisture diminishes, and the mask might start absorbing nutrients from the skin. Hence, aim for about 15 minutes of mask application for optimal skincare.

5. Wipe your face with a dry towel

Using rough towels can irritate the skin’s surface and harbor bacteria, thus, leading to fine lines and stratum corneum damage. Opt for face towels or paper towels and gently press to absorb moisture for better skincare.

6. Vigorous application of eye cream

The skin around the eyes is delicate. So, applying eye cream too vigorously or pulling the skin can promote wrinkles. Instead, use the tip of your middle finger to gently apply eye cream, massage in a specific direction, or softly tap for better absorption during your skincare routine.


Every step in our skincare routine matters and being aware of common mistakes can make a significant difference. By avoiding these six pitfalls, you’re on your way to a more effective skincare routine that truly benefits your skin’s health and radiance. Remember, small changes can lead to big improvements in skincare. Here’s to healthier, happier skin!


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