6 morning mistakes you need to stop making

Healthy morning habits: What to avoid

Your morning routine sets the tone for the day. But did you know that some common habits can actually affect your health? Let’s take a look at 6 things to avoid right after waking up for a healthier start to your day.

6 morning habits to avoid

  1. Rushing out of bed

When we are asleep, our physiological functions are running at a low speed. So, abruptly getting up after sleep can lead to dizziness and strain on muscles, potentially causing neck discomfort. However, taking a moment to ease into wakefulness in the morning can prevent these issues.

2. Immediate quilt folding

Moisture and body odors trapped in the quilt overnight can become concentrated if folded immediately, leading to unpleasantness. Consider airing it out before folding in the morning.

3. Exercise vigorously after waking up

Morning exercise seems good, but it is not recommended. This is because the body’s higher blood viscosity in the morning can make intense exercise risky.

4. Loud alarms

Harsh alarm sounds can shock the body, disrupting natural sleep patterns and potentially elevating stress levels. Consider softer alarms or waking up naturally in the morning, when possible, especially for the elderly.

5. Skipping breakfast

After a night, the stomach is emptied. If food is not replenished in time, gastric acid will damage the gastric mucosa. In the long run, it is easy to cause various stomach problems. It can also cause low-density lipoprotein to be deposited in the walls of blood vessels, leading to arteriosclerosis and obesity. Hence, don’t skip your breakfast in the morning.

6. Straining to defecate

Rushing to use the toilet in the morning and forcefully straining can exacerbate constipation, hemorrhoids, and bowel issues. Thus, employ relaxed breathing techniques to aid natural bowel movements without strain.


Note: Do not do strenuous exercise in the morning. Opt for gentler activities like walking, yoga, or tai chi to kickstart the day.


By making simple adjustments to your morning routine, like avoiding these six habits, you can set yourself up for a healthier and more energetic day ahead. Small changes can make a big difference in your overall well-being, starting right from the moment you wake up.


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