Better milk consumption: What you need to know

Milk facts: Clearing misconceptions for proper consumption

Milk is a beloved part of many diets. However, there are common misunderstandings about how and when it should be consumed. Let’s tackle some of these myths and set the record straight on drinking milk. Here we are addressing questions that might have crossed your mind!

Everything you need to know about milk is here

  1. Can you drink milk on an empty stomach?

It is best not to drink milk on an empty stomach. Some lactose intolerant people drinking milk on an empty stomach may cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. You can eat some bread, steamed buns, etc. when drinking milk to prolong the stay time of milk in the digestive tract. This can help the milk fully digested and absorbed.

2. Can milk be eaten with eggs?

You can eat them together. Both milk and eggs are rich in protein and can be eaten together. However, it should be paired with staple foods, such as steamed buns, bread, etc. This can ensure the supply of nutrients and energy. However, raw eggs cannot eat with milk. Because raw eggs may not only contain bacteria, but also contain a trypsin inhibitor that reduces the absorption rate of protein, eating them together is not only unhygienic but also unhealthy.

3. Can milk eliminate bad breath?

Yes. After eating foods with a strong flavor such as onions and garlic, the odor can be eliminated by drinking a glass of milk or rinsing your mouth with milk.

4. Can milk be taken with medicine?

Not recommend. Although milk is a good food for supplementing nutrition, taking the drug with milk will reduce the concentration of the drug in the blood. Moreover, the trace elements in milk will interact with the ingredients in some drugs, making it difficult for the drug to absorb by the stomach and intestines, and even destroying the efficacy of the drug, which will affect health.


In essence, knowing when and how to consume milk can make a significant difference in reaping its benefits while avoiding potential issues. By debunking these misconceptions, you can enjoy milk as a part of your balanced diet, making the most of its nutritional goodness.


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