How to achieve beauty skin: Best foods to eat!

Simple foods for beautiful skin

Discover the delicious path to beauty! What we eat has a profound impact on our skin, and incorporating the right foods can enhance our natural radiance. In this journey, we’ll explore some everyday wonders. For example: apples, kiwi fruit, white radish, potatoes, peas, and carrots – each holding a key to keeping our skin youthful and glowing. Plus, we’ll dive into two delightful beauty-boosting soups. So, let’s indulge in the simplicity of nourishing our way to beautiful, vibrant skin!

What women eat to be beautiful?

  1. Apples

Apples is known as the king of fruits. Also, it can keep the skin youthful and vibrant. For expectant mothers, consuming more apples can also contribute to better skin for their future child.

2. Kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C, so it can reduce the precipitation of pigmentation, reduce the production of melanin, and keep the skin fairer and more youthful.

3. White radish

Whether eaten raw or cooked, white radish is a versatile vegetable. Its vitamin C content serves as a common antioxidant, preventing fat oxidation as well as inhibiting melanin synthesis.

4. Potatoes

Potatoes contain high-quality vitamins, trace elements, proteins, B vitamins, etc. Thus, it can prevent skin aging, help eliminate toxins from the body, and promote skin whitening.

5. Peas

Peas and potatoes are collectively referred to as “double beans”, are vegetables with whitening effect. In addition, they are rich in vitamin A that can play a role in moisturizing the skin and has a firming effect on the skin around the eyes.

6. Carrots

Carrots are rich in β carotene, pectin, etc.. So, carrots can keep the skin white and tender.

Two soups for women’s beauty skin:

  • Ginger jujube tea: Blend 200 grams of ginger, 200 grams of jujube, 20 grams of salt, 30 grams of licorice, 30 grams of cloves, and agarwood into coarse powder. Then, consume 10-15 grams every morning, soaking in boiling water for 10 minutes to drink as tea. Long-term use of this formula can significantly result in a rosy complexion and smooth skin.
  • Three-Flavor Beauty Juice: Cut lotus root, carrot, and apple into small pieces. Juice them together and season with a little honey. Lotus root, rich in phosphorus, potassium, and various vitamins, combined with the fruit acids and carotene in carrots and apples can help to nourish the skin, thus leaving it shiny, delicate, and soft.


As we wrap up our exploration into the world of beauty through food, remember that embracing simple, wholesome choices can lead to radiant skin. From apples to peas as well as the delightful beauty soups, these everyday ingredients offer a pathway to a naturally glowing complexion. Beauty isn’t just a goal; it’s a journey, and by savoring the right foods, we nourish not just our bodies but also our skin.


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