How to achieve healthy pores: 4 more to avoid

Nurturing your skin’s health

Welcome back to our skincare journey! In our previous discussion, we uncovered some sneaky habits that impact your pores. Now, we’re continuing this exploration, focusing on 4 additional behaviors that could be disrupting your skin’s texture and contributing to pore enlargement. So, let’s discover how to maintain a healthier complexion!

Healthy pores: Avoid these 4 skin-behavior pitfalls

  1. Pimple squeezing habits

Many people unconsciously squeeze blackheads and acne with their hands. Due to the large number of bacteria on the hands, it is easy to cause infection when squeezing acne. When the connective tissue of the pores around the acne is compressed, it is difficult to restore elasticity and support when deformed. Finally, the pores will become enlarged.

2. Excessive stratum corneum

An excessively thick stratum corneum hinders proper oil drainage, leading to pore blockage. Regularly remove facial dead keratin, especially for individuals with oily skin, through consistent exfoliation to clear pores of dirt.

3. Layering skincare products

If skincare products aren’t fully absorbed, their layered application can be ineffective and may clog pores. This can indeed create a barrier that might block the penetration of subsequent products. Massaging each product until it’s fully absorbed before moving on to the next step helps ensure they can work optimally and also reduces the likelihood of clogging pores. It’s all about giving each product the chance to do its job properly!

4. Over-cleansing

Increased skin oiliness prompts some to excessively wash their faces. However, washing your face frequently will make your skin oilier, and it will easily cause your skin to become dehydrated, dry and tight. As a result, the skin will have abnormal keratin metabolism, and your pores will become larger.


These behaviors might seem harmless, but they play a significant role in the health of your skin. By being mindful of habits such as pimple squeezing, excessive stratum corneum, layering skincare products, and over-cleansing, you’re taking proactive steps toward healthier pores and clearer skin. Keep exploring good skincare practices for a glowing complexion!


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