How to cure chapped lips: Reasons and simple solutions

Chapped lips: Identifying causes and easy solutions

Discovering the cause of chapped lips is the first step towards achieving lasting relief. From dietary considerations to environmental factors, let’s explore the common culprits and simple solutions for maintaining soft, healthy lips.

A common cause of chapped lips

  1. Be mindful of your diet

Adjust your diet or consider supplements, such as vitamin pills, to increase essential vitamins. Avoid excessive salt intake because it may lead to subconscious lip licking and excessive dryness. Similarly, cut down on caffeinated beverages.

2. Sleeping habits

If you wake up with dry and torn lips, mouth breathing during sleep might be the culprit. This is because the airflow dries out the lips. So, consider changing your sleeping position or using mouth guards, braces, or other devices to address this habit.

3. Environmental factors

Moreover, prolonged exposure to strong winds or dry conditions can result in chapped lips. When in harsh environments, provide extra protection for your lips.

4. Sunburn

Lips can get sunburned too. After sun exposure, soothe sore lips and aid healing by applying aloe vera or a lip balm with at least SPF 15.

5. Smoking or chewing

Substances placed between your lips, like cigarettes, chewing gum, or processed snacks, can contribute to chapped lips due to the chemicals involved.

6. Vitamin deficiency

Adequate intake of vitamins A, B, C, B2, and E is crucial for lip health. So, consider supplements to prevent chapped lips caused by vitamin deficiency.

7. Allergies

Cosmetics and skincare products can trigger allergies leading to chapped lips. So, avoid overusing makeup to prevent adverse beauty results.

8. Medication side effects

Some medications may have chapped lips as a side effect. Thus, consult your doctor if you notice this side effect after starting a new medication.

9. More serious triggers

If none of the above apply, chapped lips may be indicative of a more serious condition. Hence, consult a doctor if concerned. Possible causes include diabetes, Kawasaki disease, macrocytosis, or certain venereal diseases such as AIDS.


In addressing the root causes of chapped lips, adopting simple lifestyle adjustments can make a significant difference. Whether it’s staying hydrated, protecting against environmental factors, or considering potential allergies, these steps pave the way for smoother, healthier lips.


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