Privacy Policy

Welcome to “” (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”). To ensure a secure and informed experience while using our services and information, we have outlined our privacy protection policy. Please carefully read the following content to understand how we handle personal identification information collected when you use our Website:

Scope of Privacy Policy:

The privacy protection policy covers the handling of personal identification information collected during your use of the Website’s services. It does not apply to external websites linked to our Website or personnel not involved in the management of our Website.

Collection, Processing, and Use of Personal Data:

  1. Nature of Service:
    • When you visit or use our Website’s services, we collect necessary personal data based on the nature of the service. We process and use your personal data within the specific purpose and without your written consent, will not use it for other purposes.
  2. Interactive Features:
    • When using interactive features like service mailboxes and questionnaires, we retain the personal data you provide, including name, email address, contact information, and usage time.
  3. Browsing Data:
    • During normal browsing, our server records relevant paths, including IP address, usage time, browser details, and browsing/click data. This data is for internal use and will not be publicly disclosed.
  4. Statistical Analysis:
    • To provide accurate services, we may statistically analyze questionnaire content. Statistical data or explanatory text resulting from the analysis may be presented, but it will not involve specific personal information.

Data Protection:

  1. Our website’s servers employ firewalls, antivirus systems, and security measures to protect personal data.
  2. Access to personal data is restricted to authorized personnel, and strict confidentiality measures are in place. Violators are subject to legal sanctions.
  3. When necessary, we may entrust other units with services and strictly require them to comply with confidentiality obligations.

Related Links to External Websites:

The privacy protection policy does not apply to linked external websites. Refer to the privacy protection policy of those linked websites.

Policy on Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties:

  1. Our website will not provide, exchange, rent, or sell your personal data, except:
    • With your written consent.
    • As required by law.
    • To protect life, body, freedom, or property.
    • For public interest-based statistical or academic research.
    • When necessary to identify, contact, or take legal action due to violations of terms of service.
  2. When entrusting vendors, we supervise and manage the collection, processing, or use of personal data.

Use of Cookies:

To provide optimal service, our website may place and access cookies on your computer. Adjust your browser’s privacy settings if you do not wish to accept cookies.

Amendment to the Privacy Protection Policy:

The privacy protection policy may be amended as needed, with any changes published on the website.